Architectural design of a Sustainable Farm
We were asked to design a farm for a farmer who takes good care of his cattle, produces cheese on his farm and markets his own brand of cheese.
One of the main questions: how to create a large cowshed for the cows to live naturally (and keep their horns), without jeopardizing the economic fundamentals underpinning a farm.
The surroundings are to be made with elements found in the local environment. Local plants, reed and water will provide a natural look and will require almost no upkeep. The cowshed is made of several inflated membranes carried by inflated beams. This is an extremely lightweight construction, itself quite efficient in producing a large span and reducing the cost of the foundation. The farm itself is to be a well insulated timber framed building with a closed facade facing north and a glass facade facing south, incorporating a small shop. Environment, stables and house produce an image that will strengthen the brand.